Sunday, May 29, 2011

Let's be fair dinkum

I have been in Alabama for a little over thirty hours now... This is what's been going on...

We arrived in Orange Beach around one a.m. (We = Taylor & I.. she lives down here... so we spend a lot of time here) ... Upon arrival, Taylor was eager to tell stories. She had every reason to be. I, on the other hand, was ready to rest. To not talk or think for days... :) That might be a bit of an exaggeration. So, anyways we eventually got into the bed around two thirty. I could not sleep. Around three o'clock, I stepped into Taylor's bathroom. All I could do was cry. It was strange. I just sat on her bathroom floor & cried. Knowing that God was awake, I sat there and just talked to Him about all that I was thinking. He gave me great peace. Knowing that I could not sleep, I decided to go to the beach. At four a.m., I went down to the beach to walk. For an hour and a half, I walked alone. I called Damien & Lulu and talked with them about what was on my heart.. It was nice to hear their voices. Sometimes I feel like Lulu is the only friend that genuinely wants to hear my voice! I was grateful for her enthusiasm... even though it was five in the morning her time. She is a trooper #arealfriend.

After my long walk on the beach, I headed back to Taylor's. A little after five, I got in the bed... only to wake up eleven hours later (yeah, that's four p.m.) i woke up, ready for more sleep... I read in Thessalonians and was blessed. The day ended with chicken, green beans, corn on the cob and brownies! YUM! After dinner, I headed to bed. That was soon after ten p.m. I was awake for maybe six hours!

Falling asleep was easy... but then, I woke up around 1 a.m.! What? I have been awake for an hour now... Crying again... Crying to the LORD. He knows my heart & everything that I am thinking about... He knows how to comfort me.

Fair dinkum. I am having a hard time being in America. It seems as though friends are impossible to find. It would be easy to
a) decide that I do not need friends & go back to being a "loner" as someone described it
b) make friends with people that are no friends at all & end up following their ways


the truth is, I know that neither of these choices are good or Biblical. In Proverbs, I am told to choose my friends wisely. So, I will. What if the friends that I choose live all the way on the other side of the world? What if?

What if it is impossible to find wise friends?

I feel as though true Christians are hard to come by. There are so many people that sit around & waste their lives on themselves... and I myself have fallen into this category... but I know that it is wrong... I know that living for Jesus means living as He lived; it means laying down your life for others. Living for Jesus is loving for Jesus.

My heart is to love. I love loving people. I love knowing people. I love praying for people.

I am crying out for community, for family. It would be such a joy to wake up and be apart of a Christian family that encourages me to stand firm in the ways of the LORD. Even if I just had Christian friends to surround myself with.

What if we weren't so caught up on ourselves and we started to really look like the body? I saw the body in Sydney, Australia... I saw joy there... I saw love there... & I miss it.

What if we weren't so caught up on ourselves and we started to really look like the body? I saw the body in Mobile, Alabama... I saw joy there... I saw love there... & I miss it. Remember those 40 nights of prayer? Or was that just a dream? What ever happened to my friends?

I am so grateful that being in the Kingdom is not a temporary thing, but an eternal one... I am so grateful that one day I will be able to stand in the presence of my LORD and worship Him forever & ever. I am so grateful that eternity starts here.

Forgive me for not being the light that I was called to be. Being a daughter of the Most High God means living a lifestyle of worship & loving others the way that God loves me... It means loving God with all that I am... & reflecting Him in all things. Living for God alone means giving up my selfish desires and serving my brothers & sisters...

Being able to serve my brothers & sisters (you) is a privilege that will only last while I am here on earth... I want to be a friend to all. I want to bless every single person that surrounds me. I want to be the body, even when it seems like no one else is.

If any of you think of me... please pray that God would continue to encourage me in all things, that He would draw me closer to His heart, that He would restore the friendships that have been broken, that I would be a carrier of peace and that I would know God more and more.

My hearts cry is to know God.

I pray that you all receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know HIm better, that your knowledge of God continues to increase daily, that all the work you do in faith produces good fruit and that your lives are worship offerings to the LORD who is worthy. Grace & peace to you all in the name of Jesus.

Love your sister in the faith,
Chynna Lee

Keep strong. Hold firm to the LORD.

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