Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15th

"The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good" Proverbs 15:3

I read Proverbs every morning. One a day, every day. God knew there would be days when my heart would be lowly & I would fail to seek wisdom in all that I do, so He placed in my heart a desire to read Proverbs (which continually reminds me that wisdom is calling my name, everywhere that I go). I am thankful for the precious book made up of "short pithy sayings". It is my all time favorite.

-For a while now, I have had a heart for this woman that I do not know. She is related to a friend of mine, and that is how I heard of her situation. The last few months, I have found myself constantly thinking of her and praying for her. God has allowed me to see her in visions and dreams. Two nights ago, I had a dream that I was in her shoes. I was married, pregnant and happily serving the LORD. Then suddenly, my husband left me. In the dream, I felt pain and sadness... but an overwhelming peace and understanding. It was only God that gave me this peace. When I woke up, my heart was even more so for her than anything else.. EVER! She is a beautiful woman of God, who is doing mighty things for the Kingdom. A part of me feels like God is allowing me to carry her burdens, to feel her pain, and pray her prayers. It is interesting to me, because I have NEVER met her. I do not even know what she looks like (besides the visions and dreams I have received). But what I do know is that GOD LOVES HER! His love is unconditional. He is willing to have His children pray for her, regardless of if they know her or not. I am grateful to be able to partner with the Father by interceding for her. It is a joy to be apart of her family and to love her (even if it is just in the spirit). Sometimes, I just want to hug her and tell her that she is loved!! So loved! I want her to know that God is so for her & cares so much about her that He is allowing strangers to lift her up daily. Even though I may never get to tell this woman the love that I have for her, I know God is pouring out an abundance of peace, joy and love over her! (He would not have me intercede if He was not caring for her)... God hears our prayers! His Spirit guides us in how to pray. Trust Him! When your heart is heavy for someone, pray! It doesn't matter if you know them or not, pray! God is listening. There is a reason why you are feeling so strongly about someone else. Pray the Father's will over them. Pray scripture over them! Pray wisdom & direction over them! Every single one of us needs each other. Believe it or not, we are the body! :) I need you. You need me! The only thing that will ever tell you differently is pride. Let not pride get in the way of what you are doing for God! He is with you. He is guiding you! Pray, serve and love! We need each other! [If you think about this woman, please pray for her! God hears] -

Today is my last day in America until the 28th! I am really excited about what is to come! Although I have been in a season of dryness, I know that God is going to refresh me. In Proverbs it tells us that "those who refresh others will be refreshed". This keeps me encouraged and reminds me to ALWAYS refresh others, no matter how dry I feel! We are here to serve each other. That is the truth. If it were not, I would be cuddled up at home (heaven). But, it is truth! It is exciting to think that God is allowing me to partner with Him all the way across the world. Just to love on folks, care for them, serve them, and remind them of the truth will be the biggest blessing! My heart is for missions. I mean, it is even my field of study here at UM. This will be the first opportunity to leave the country and tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ, which gets me uber stoked! If any of you think about me please pray that God would fill me with all wisdom and understanding, that everything I do in faith will bear good fruit, and that I will spread the gospel quickly and effectively. I do not desire to labor in vain, but instead in truth... led by the Spirit. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Bless you all for following me!

Stay in the Word, keep praying and seek wisdom in all you do!

He is with you, always.

1 comment:

  1. is my blog for Australia! I will keep it updated, daily (if possible)... thank you all for your prayers & support.
